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Teleflora Flowers

Teleflora Flowers are the leading Flower delivery companies in New Zealand.
Teleflora prides itself on having some exacting standards and they have a reputation that has developed which is testament to their commitment to exceptionally high standards of customer service that sets Teleflora apart from other organizations.
Teleflora is a network of p...
Teleflora Flowers are the leading Flower delivery companies in New Zealand.
Teleflora prides itself on having some exacting standards and they have a reputation that has developed which is testament to their commitment to exceptionally high standards of customer service that sets Teleflora apart from other organizations.
Teleflora is a network of professional and quality assured florists that have been working in New Zealand and delivering fresh flowers for more than eighty years. The Teleflora proposition supports local florists across the whole of New Zealand and are responsible for handling the sending and receiving of international and domestic flower orders as well as gifts to happy recipients across New Zealand.
Established in 1926, Teleflora is widely regarded as one of New Zealand's oldest and most trusted service businesses. Teleflora was the first florist relay service in New Zealand and one of the very first in the world.
In 2014, Teleflora now has in excess of 120 florists in the network and dotted across and throughout New Zealand. Teleflora also has partnerships that affiliate us to over 50,000 florists in more than 100 countries - meaning that Teleflora can deliver to pretty much anywhere!
Teleflora is a ready to go site and system for the New Zealand public. All the orders are administered by a central service that accepts the orders over the phone, including processing any discount you may be due from and they then distribiute the order via their network of local florists to ensure that the recipient of your gift gets the very freshest flowers beautifully designed and you get a simple to use and reliable service.
So what are you waiting for? Who do you love enough to send a lovely bunch of flowers to today? Check out these great Teleflora offers and see what you can get through
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